Many companies have plans for Corporate Social Responsibility Projects (CSR) but lack the focus, the manpower or the management attention span to actually realize them. We will create tailor-made CSR projects in which the sponsoring companies can add as much or as little of their own effort as they wish, going as far as “rent-a-CSR” project.

There appears a need for more training facilities for park rangers. The diversity of this park will be such that good training facilities can be set up.
Nature guiding, people interested in learning about the African ecosystem, eco training, lodge training, as well as the sustainable utilization of game through capture, translocation and hunting.
Veterinarians from all over the world need training facilities to work with larger animals. That is something we can create at the conservancy.
There is scope in South Africa to set up veterinarian training centers, where foreign vets can come and practice their skills with larger animals, which the farm will have plenty of.
There is scope for a study center for rhinos and elephants. Whilst this may not directly bring in much income, it will help in spreading the word on the project and increase its seriousness and credibility. This will help significantly with the “news value” of the project.